Monday, October 17, 2016


June 26, 2007

This is a teen movie with some serious teenage angst going on. The two main characters from different sides of the tracks, Nick and Annie, both come from problematic family situations. The acting of the neophyte cast is definitely juvenile, including the adults (yes, even Oscar winner Marcia Gay Harden, as the only veteran actress in the cast, somehow had to stoop to the lower acting levels). But you know, the first two quarters of this film were really not that bad. There were some good dramatic scenes there.

The soundtrack of predominantly "emo" songs by Soul Patrol, Perfect Circle and especially, the great "I Will Follow You Into the Dark" of Death Cab by Cutie, was definitely a welcome feature of this movie.

However, the last third about Annie's character resolution was so sudden, ill-conceived and illogical. This final segment actually ruined the whole movie for me, thus the low rating.

*****Spoilers follow******

Foremost of these last segment fiascos was the big question of "How on earth did Nick and Annie come to the conclusion that they had to be together in that hospital bed, in order for Nick to be saved????" That certainly came from out of nowhere, and is the biggest plot question among several that come to mind both during and after watching the movie.

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